Complaint Handling Procedures
At Carters Chartered Surveyors we truly value our clients, who are at the heart of everything we do. Our ultimate goal is to provide the highest standard of customer service.
We recognise that occasionally matters arise which will lead to customer dissatisfaction and we are genuinely sorry if this is ever the case. Giving your feedback provides us with an opportunity to investigate and look towards continual improvement for our customers, who are integral to the success of our business.
Many concerns can be resolved directly and in the first instance please get in touch with your usual Carters contact, as they should be able to provide you with an immediate and satisfactory response. In the event of a complaint, Carters Surveyors are members of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and we operate a formal procedure to deal with complaints from clients and other third parties.
We are also members of the Property Ombudsman Service and the Property Redress Scheme, which both provide an avenue for the resolution of any consumer complaints that are not satisfactorily resolved directly between the parties via independent mediation.
Carters Surveyors Limited & Carters Lettings & Carters PM Limited
Legal status: Limited liability companies registered in England & Wales
Registered office and postal address: First Floor, 4 Albany Road, Birmingham B17 9JX
Telephone: 0121 663 1182
Public registers: Details of the companies’ registrations can be viewed at under company numbers 09177686 and 10776990
VAT number: 206267522 / 270046040
General terms & conditions: Our standard terms and conditions will be provided to the client at the commencement of any engagement to which they apply.
Applicable law: Unless otherwise agreed, English law, with the English Courts having exclusive jurisdiction in relation to any claim, dispute or difference concerning the service and any matter arising from it.
Insurance: In accordance with the disclosure requirements of the Provision of Services Regulations 2009, our professional indemnity insurance is arranged by Howden, 30 St Paul’s Square, Birmingham B3 1QZ. The policies comply with the requirements of the RICS and the territorial and jurisdictional cover is worldwide except the United Carters Chartered Surveyors – Complaint Handling Procedure 2023 States of America or Canada, or territories under their jurisdiction, subject always to the full terms and conditions of the policy.
Complaint Handling Procedures
We have created the following process to deal with formal complaints and address any concerns promptly.
1. Formal complaints should be put in writing. We ask you to do this even if you have spoken to us so that we have full details of your concerns. Complaints should be sent by post to:-
Carters Chartered Surveyors
4 Albany Road
B17 9JX or email
2. We will acknowledge your complaint within 3 working days of receipt and notify the Managing Director, who will record the complaint on the central complaints log.
3. The Director overseeing the relevant department will be asked to review the matter and respond to you in writing with their findings within 10 working days of receipt of your complaint. They will advise regarding the outcome of their investigation, as well as what actions have been or will be taken.
4. If you are not satisfied with this response, please contact us in writing and we will arrange for a member of the Main Board of Carters Surveyors to review the matter and respond to you within 10 working days of receipt of your request for a review.
5. If you are still not satisfied after the last stage of the in-house complaint procedure, or more than 8 weeks has elapsed since the complaint was first made, then you can take the matter up with one of the following:
a) For complaints relating to a survey or valuation:
The Property Ombudsman Tel: 01722 333 306 Email:
b) For complaints relating to a property management related service:
The Property Redress Scheme Tel: 0333 321 9418 Email:
If the complainant is a Business and is dissatisfied with any aspect of the handling of the complaint, the complainant can refer their grievance to the RICS Dispute Resolution Service as follows:
Dispute Resolution Service (DRS) ( Tel: 020 7334 3806 Email:
The regulatory functions of RICS relating to Dispute Resolution Service are led and overseen by the Standards and Regulation Board (SRB).
Head Office,
4 Albany Road
Harborne, Birmingham
B17 9JX
0121 663 1182
Opening Times
Mon - Fri 9am -5pm
Head Office,
4 Albany Road
Harborne, Birmingham
B17 9JX
0121 663 1182
Opening Times
Mon - Fri 9am -5pm